Thanks for ruined game, because of custom which noone wants.
Even last day of olympiad is every second match op kamael.
Thanks for ruined game, because of custom which noone wants.
Even last day of olympiad is every second match op kamael.
Well, GMs got their money from donate and they don't care about ruined game now. As you can see, they don't even bother to answer there.
We must hope they will use brain before applying some changes next time. (or deploy better sw than some gracia epilogue shit but that would cost them money, right? xD)
They shortened the wait for the match, after the match they can relog for faster registration. That oly is Kamael Trash. I would be interested the statistics of the average number of SH matches per period of olympiad. Server will be dead soon as i wrote. As the money flow they dont care about gameplay and balance.
To mi nepřijde jako statistika (ano je to hodně)...
Si pamatuju doby z 15x rpg, kde jsem byl na oly 30/30 dní z měsíce od startu do konce za eečko (1k+ matchu). Na fórech si každý nadával do pi... ale lidi se snažili v té hře něco dělat. Tahle doba ubrečená ve všem možným, to je epic.
Btw když jsem tě potkával na oly Psycho, tak tebe by tam rozjela stejně i ta Foxiho sousedka, která ho mobiškovala, když chudák chodil do práce jako my.
Last edited by LittlePsycho; 09-11-2020 at 07:35.