Raid Boss name Chance Antharas 100% to the whole party Baylor 1% counted to each party member separately Beleth 10% counted to each party member separately 2x Darion 3% to one from party Darnels 1% to one from party Dopagen 3% to one from party Ekimus 10% counted to each party member separately Freya Hard 100% to the whole party Freya standard 10% counted to each party member separately Kechi 1% to one from party Queen Shyeed 3% to one from party Scarlet van Halisha 10% counted to each party member separately Taklacan 3% to one from party Tears 1% to one from party Tiat 10% counted to each party member separately Valakas 100% to the whole party Zaken (83 ) 10% to one from party
русский перевод:
to one from party - одному из пати.
to the whole party - всей пати.
counted to each party member separately - рассчитывается каждому мемберу пати отдельно, то есть может апнуться от 0 до 9 SA.