Raid Boss name Chance Aenkinel (81 ) 5% to one from party Aenkinel (82 ) 5% to one from party Aenkinel (84 ) 20% to one from party Anais 10% to one from party Anakazel (78 ) 15% counted to each party member separately Anakim 10% counted to each party member separately Andreas Van Halter 3% to one from party Antharas 100% to the whole party Awakened Ancient Executor 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Fighter 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Prophet 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Sentry 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Severer 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Soul Devourer 3% to one from party Awakened Ancient Soul Extractor 3% to one from party Baium 5% to the whole party Baylor 1% counted to each party member separately Beleth 10% counted to each party member separately Bloody Empress Decarbia 5% to one from party Cannibalistic Stakato Chief 3% to one from party Core 20% counted to each party member separately Daimon the White-Eyed 3% to one from party Darion 10% to one from party Darnels 1% to one from party Death Lord Ipos 5% to one from party Death Lord Shax 5% to one from party Demon Prince 3% to one from party Dopagen 10% to one from party Ekimus 10% counted to each party member separately Ember 5% counted to each party member separately Epidos 5% to one from party Fire of Wrath Shuriel 3% to one from party Flamestone Giant 3% to one from party Freya Hard 100% to the whole party Freya Standard 100% to the whole party Giant Marpanak 3% to one from party Gigantic Golem 3% to one from party Glakias Hard 20% counted to each party member separately Glakias Standard 10% counted to each party member separately Gordon 3% to one from party Gorgolos 3% to one from party Gwindorr 3% to one from party Hannibal 3% to one from party Hekaton Prime 5% to one from party Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs 3% to one from party Cherub Galaxia 3% to one from party Kechi 1% to one from party Kernon 5% to one from party Ketra's Commander Tayr 3% to one from party Ketra's Hero Hekaton 3% to one from party Ketra's Chief Brakki 3% to one from party Last Lesser Giant Glaki 3% to one from party Last Lesser Giant Olkuth 5% to one from party Last Titan Utenus 3% to one from party Lilith 10% counted to each party member separately Longhorn Golkonda 3% to one from party Menacing Palatanos 5% to one from party Ocean Flame Ashakiel 3% to one from party Orfen 20% counted to each party member separately Queen Shyeed 10% to one from party Ranku 3% to one from party Sailren 3% to one from party Scarlet van Halisha 100% to the whole party Soul of Fire Nastron 3% to one from party Soul of Water Ashutar 3% to one from party Storm Winged Naga 5% to one from party Taklacan 10% to one from party Tears 1% to one from party Tiat 10% counted to each party member separately Tully 5% to one from party Typhoon 3% to one from party Uruka 3% to one from party Valakas 100% to the whole party Varka's Commander Mos 3% to one from party Varka's Hero Shadith 3% to one from party Varka's Chief Horus 3% to one from party Water Spirit Lian 10% to one from party Yehan Klanikus 10% to one from party Yehan Klodekus 10% to one from party Zaken (83 ) 20% to one from party Zaken (Nighttime) 10% counted to each party member separately
русский перевод:
to one from party - одному из пати.
to the whole party - всей пати.
counted to each party member separately - рассчитывается каждому мемберу пати отдельно, то есть может апнуться от 0 до 9 SA.