If someone can translate it into Russian, it would be perfect and it would be appreciated)
First of all I greet the community of "Lienage2.cz", a long time ago I had thought about this type of project, like the 16x they did, but in a different way, my proposal is something complete so I will expand and detail as much as possible .
let's think a little.
most people play and servers that open on l2, are (MID-HIGH), either for the time they have to play or other factors, the idea is that the "l2 old school" and the form of PVP come back, but with high rates
A server with "RATES PVP-MID-LOW", so that people who do not have a lot of time do not devote their whole lives, farming or LVL, the idea is that in a short and fast period it can reach an lvl +70 and be able to have A-S items quickly without much effort, but that the (experience of "PVP-PVE" is retail), as if you were playing a "LOW or the same official server" all this has a solution with what I propose. "BEWARE" do not think that because you can speed up fast and you can equip A-S fast, you can not keep on farming to have a better team, those who played the same server for years or played the official one, we know that although he was wearing an S grade, he does not mean that he stopped farming for giving examples fast and I think more common and famous is "dvp", was one of the characters with more items in the official although several or many had clothes and items S, dvp had draco bow + 7 in c4-c5, SS + 9 and also I get an AS + 7,
Here you can see how "dvp" has S +7 weapons and that chronicle was between c4 and c5
here you can see "troy" but look at the arch of "Neronas", this chronicle is between kamael and Hellbound (which is the chronicle that I want to do as similar as if I played the official, which is relatively an interlude, with a few changes)
so the more you keep farming the better items you will have. now explain step by step, as I montaria and adjust the server, to achieve this retail experience, accept criticism and suggestion, coherent ...
Game client
one of the best ideas I can give to get out of the monotomy of "INTERLUDE" and do something similar to interlude, because it is one of the most played chronicles, (personally it is the worst in class balance) but it is playable, the best thing is that it be the chronica "1st Throne: Hellbound" which is EXACTLY the same as interlude, same gameplay only with some modifications (without inventing a lot), will be added some new skill of GF (1 or 2), to several characters, to level the classes a little, thinking a lot about the characters that use little because of the imbalance, which here on this server would be removed as: so that the gameplay is as close as possible to interlude
Maximum lvl: 80
-All zones and "HB" quest eliminated, eliminated element stones, dynasty weapons and armor eliminated as well as icarus, eliminated kamael race
here is the change of the most detailed chronicle 1st Throne: Hellbound (Kamael +) Information - Lineage 2 Game Drop Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD (unfortunately I could not get the chronicle "Throne I: The Kamael", whose most notorious changes is, they placed some new skills, and some skills changed like the aggression of the tanks and the frenzy of the destroyer, new zones and quest and the new race "kamael")
everything else would be like the chronicle is !, which is practically INTERLUDE with some new skills, which will be announced. (this is optional, since I do not think they have the chronicle, and I will not have them invest in something they do not have)
Well this is a complex issue, I will work with what I "believe" you have, so as not to generate more expense to the administration, (but if you are going to work hard xD) is to grab (The Engine), from the chronicle "GF "OR GE, and remove or close all zones other than interlude, quest, Raid boss, armors and weapons dynasty on, element stones, obviously place maximum level 80, remove all abilities other than interlude (and I will tell you which are the new skills, which will stay, the rest will be left as interlude)
I'm practically repeating what I put before, I hope you understand the idea
here some video (the majority of the official server) of the chronica "KAMEL-HB" which is practically the same as interlude, only with new skills as I said before,Many may have already seen these videos, and they thought that this chronicle was interlude and it was not, it was Kamael-Hellbound
Sword Singer, BD, WC
here I can be all day placing videos )))
Dual box
this is a topic of much talk, it is silly to place single box, since in the official there was the dual box and even bots !, the best solution for this and without users abuse much of this is:
* 3 box per PC in zone of peace (areas where you can not be attacked by another player, such as Cities, etc)
* 2 box per PC outside the zone of peace (areas where they can attack you or you can be attacked by another player, when you try to take a 3 account out of the peace zones, you are immediately taken to the nearest peace zone)
* 1 box per PC in zones of sieges and epics (in epics 30min before beginning the repayment of the epic, all secondary accounts that are in the area of ??epics, immediately is taken to the nearest peace zone)
P.D: all this can be done, since I have played "PVP" servers where this mechanism was implemented.
Enchand rates
how the rates were modified, so that the items could be made much more easily, to balance this more, and not become like the "PVP" servers that all walk with weapons and armor +16 =), the difficulty will be increased of enchand's success cup in the weapon, armor and jewel. example; the rates of the quest to draw weapon is (3x) and to balance the enchand's success rate will be divided between (3), if the success rate for enchand is 66%, now it will be 22%, to +4, +5 will be the retail success cup.
the "S" weapons from +6 (weapons) the success of enchand is diminished, see the example in drawing of all the degrees
*Safe Enchantment Retail
*Maximum Enchantment +16
PD: this is just an example taking into account that the success rate of enchand retail is 66%, you can see that the lower the "grade" the item is, the lower difficulty, this gives a better experience and more of server low, in which there were quite a few weapons of grade C and B quite enchand