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  1. #1

    Augument dialog bug

    Zdravim, pri aktivnejsim augumentu jsem narazil na zajimavy use case, ktery nasledne bugne klienta.

    Nelze pouzivat Augument a Unaugument zaroven.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Otevru dialog na sundani augu, necham sundat augu a mezitim otevru dialog na Augument.

    Expected Results:
    Dialogy by meli jit otevrit nezavisle na sobe, v pripade ze nemeli, nemelo by to minimalne bugnout klienta.

    Actual Results:
    Klient napise Not enought Adena, a sundavaci dialog je bugnut az do restartu klienta.

  2. #2
    GE20 VIP
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Jsem si stopro jistej ze me to funguje normalne. Vzdycky normalne dam augument, okno nezaviram a rovnou ho canceluju, i tady na bete tak 100x. Ale po pouziti okna ho musis zavrit a otevrit si ho znovu pres blacksmitha, nejde augumentovat nebo cancelovat augu donekonecna v to samym okne.

  3. #3
    O to tu nejde, to je bohužel ILko, které je debilní v tom, že musíš ty okna furt zavírat dokola.

    To co tady nejde, je při sundavání augumentu (když to běží v tom okně) otevřít to druhé okno na augument a začít to tam přidávat. Jako pravděpodobně se to stávat nebude, ale je dobré minimálně vědět, že to blbne.

  4. #4
    Registered Users
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    I was augmenting and canceling auguments. On the third tey to Cancel the dialog box doesnt appear. After RR it was fixed. Then after 5-6 augments it happend again, bur this time Restart didnt fix the issue. I think its the same bug, i dont understand ur language.

  5. #5
    Yeah, that it is. :]

    Just use only one of these dialog at the moment. It works fine.

    But I hope admins can do something about it.

  6. #6
    This is a known IL client problem. It has nothing to do with server side. As I did mention in another topic, we do not do client development/hacking. It is even more complicated due to our antibot protection, because of which you cannot put anything you like into the client. However, if anyone knows someone doing such client fixes/hacks/whatever, give us contact and we can try to do something. We have been looking for someone like that for quite some time without result.

  7. #7
    GE20 VIP
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    To be honest, how many times do you think you will augment + cancel augment in a row after beta? Life stone drops are low on IL. No reason to mess with client to cure something like that just for beta...

  8. #8
    That's not the point, anything which bug client itself can be dangerous for your account, cause after that, client can do lot of unexpected things :]

    But Teclis know about it, so for me it is closed. :]



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