View Full Version : Mage CP LF members cz/en

20-08-2021, 11:52
Ahoj společně,

CP hledá vyspělé hráče, kteří by chtěli pokořit skupinový obsah hry a společně se soustředit na efektivní každodenní farmaření, tvt, cs a další ...
Cílem skupiny je na 1. místě zábava, ale vaše bohaté zkušenosti s H5 jsou téměř nezbytné.

Co bys měl jako kandidát mít a splňovat :
- ověřitelné zkušenosti s L2
- zájem o tvt (+ schopnost mentálně zvládnout několikerá úmrtí, ochota se v pvp zlepšovat a také na zlepšení pracovat, ve smyslu spolupráce s ostatními )
- hlasový chat
- minimálně 20 let se skutečnými životními povinnostmi, protože tato skupina není a nebude založena na 24/7 hraní
- ochota zůstat a hrát několik měsíců ( "ideální" očekávání je +4 hodiny denně 9/9 )

Složení party zatím není uvedeno, protože není definitivní a bude se pravděpodobně měnit na základě zkušeností případných zájemců.

V případě zájmu mne neváhejte kontaktovat zde na fóru.



Hello together,

newborn party is looking for mature players based in EU, who would like to experience a group content of the game and together focus on effective daily farming, tvt, cs and more...
Group seeks fun at 1st place, but your rich experience with H5 chronicle is pretty much required.

You should have :
- verifiable experience with L2
- interest in pvp ( you have to be able to mentally handle some deaths before noticable improvement may take a place )
- voice chat
- atleast 20yo with real life responsibilities, as this group is not based on no-life grind
- eager to stay&play several months ( expectation is +4hrs a day of 9/9 )

Party setup is not stated yet, because it is not final and will be changing accordingly, based on experience of potential candidates.

In case of interest do not hesitate to contact me here at forums.


20-08-2021, 12:30

20-08-2021, 14:33

30-08-2021, 14:07

LF support + drivers!

02-09-2021, 21:18

LF support + drivers!

Hello Gotcha,

I may be interested in playing here, it really depends if the server promises a decent amount of people playing everyday.

I tick all the boxes (experience of the game, of playing in cp, mental fortitude, micro, age...)
I do not have a Youtube channel to prove my experience of the game, but you can put me to the test.

The only class I like playing in HF Mage CP is EE.

Currently downloading the client to check how it goes in the Beta.

03-09-2021, 06:52
Hello Gotcha,

I may be interested in playing here, it really depends if the server promises a decent amount of people playing everyday.

I tick all the boxes (experience of the game, of playing in cp, mental fortitude, micro, age...)
I do not have a Youtube channel to prove my experience of the game, but you can put me to the test.

The only class I like playing in HF Mage CP is EE.

Currently downloading the client to check how it goes in the Beta.

Hello Aerith,

nice to hear from you!

Check the beta server and let me know what you think... you will not see a mucho players there for now, sure, but I believe it looks very promising in terms of server cfg and potential people who will possibly join.

After you get over some beta testing and still will be up for joining, drop me a pm here with your discord tag and we will talk.

ps. yes, EE is available.

05-09-2021, 14:28
I sent you my Discord info, hit me up

14-09-2021, 20:01

LF active mage and SWS

16-09-2021, 17:31

LF active mage and SWS
Zdarec, mohl bych jet mága, co vám chybí? :)

20-09-2021, 14:53

LF drivers!

The best would be morning, forenoon and early afternoon CET...


24-09-2021, 12:08