View Full Version : Bonus Start Event - phase three & Master of Enchanting Event

24-01-2021, 16:14
Dear players,

The server will soon celebrate its 5th month of running. Therefore we decided to launch the third phase of the bonus start event. We also prepared an event for you. All will be applied after regular restart on 25th of January 2021 at 7:00 GMT+1.

Newly at Lineage2.cz Vendor

Buffer up to character level 80 (including) - PP / SE buffs - 1h duration, songs / dance 20 min duration – available buffs are limited to level 74 of their appropriate classes, buffs bestowing resists will NOT be available)

More information on our website:


Vážení hráči,

již brzy oslaví server 5. měsíc od svého startu. Nadešel čas pro spuštění třetí fáze Bonus Start Eventu. Současně jsme pro vás připravili i celoserverový event. Vše bude nasazeno po pravidelném restartu 25.1.2021 v 7:00.

Nově u Lineage2.cz Vendora

Buffer pro postavy do lvlu 80
(PP/SE - 1h, songy/dance 20 min - buffy do levelu 74, žádné resisty)

Více informací na našem webu: