View Full Version : Approved WB spawn changes - discussion

04-08-2020, 16:32

first of all i want to say good job with this years modifications, all of us in my CP really like them. Most of the changes definitely improve the game experience, except WB spawn change. Now, i know why (to please ppl playing outside of central europe that WB can spawn in their timezone for once, but there are CS times still so its not a big win for them), but let me elaborate on why i think ppl will hate it. Lineage 2 is old, and so is the community, most of us cannot spend all day playing videogames, we have works, families, responsibilities (reason for the whole pls change SoD from last year). Because of that most players play at evening/night. The fixed WB spawn feature therefore allowed basically everyone to join the fight, it was great, one of the features that made this server so popular and full of life, it is its whole charm that you can have a life and at the same time compete over server domination. Making WB spawn time to move is smth that works fine only for a limited number of slays moving from central europe ideal time to eastern europe ideal time and than it is painful for almost everyone on the server. All of suden you cannot compete because of important stuff like work, which is for me personally when i am trying to reach the top with my CP pretty frustrating. The fact that suddenly some "top" clans same as every other casual clan cannot compete cause most of their players are in work will be even more favorable to that few 24/7 playing ones, making it even harder to make good multiple-sided server. Also how many players will actually benefit from this change ? 5-10% of population ? Compared to damaging the rest. So pls i invite everyone to join this topic and share their opinion on the matter so we can see how many of us is actually in favour of it, and how many against it.

Thank you

04-08-2020, 16:42
keep it as it was previously

04-08-2020, 16:45
I suggest keeping it same as last year just one hour earlier

04-08-2020, 16:59

04-08-2020, 18:50
+1 keep it like last year

04-08-2020, 22:07

05-08-2020, 09:08

05-08-2020, 09:17
Ja bych udelal okno jen 1 hodinu. I ty 2 hodiny jsou celkem opruz..

05-08-2020, 10:07
+1 for fixed respawn

05-08-2020, 19:51
+1 keep it like last year maybe 1 hour erlier.

05-08-2020, 22:34
+1 for fixed respawn

Last year there was issue with Frintezza, that in 90% of cases, it spawned in last 15 mins of window (22:45-23:00).

1. Move her spawn window by 1 hour earlier.
2. Spawn 2 NPC before the window starts, so we would wait for respawn of 1 NPC instead of 3.

09-08-2020, 21:58

09-08-2020, 22:11
+1 for fix respawn
a pridat okno na AQ, kdyz se casy potkaji u vice WB v jeden cas eliminuje to aby jedna parta ktera pojede 24/7 sjizdela vsechny WB a bude si muset vybrat ktery, pripadne bude muset kooperovat s vice partami aby si to mohli sjet a nebude to server o jedne parte

11-08-2020, 15:47

12-08-2020, 08:56
+1 for fix respawn
a pridat okno na AQ, kdyz se casy potkaji u vice WB v jeden cas eliminuje to aby jedna parta ktera pojede 24/7 sjizdela vsechny WB a bude si muset vybrat ktery, pripadne bude muset kooperovat s vice partami aby si to mohli sjet a nebude to server o jedne parte

WTF ? snad chces, aby se fightilo o každého e**** ne ? Ne aby se to jen zfarmilo bez PvP :D .... Dobrý systém byl teď udělaný na Valhalle, kde bossove měli určený den respawnu. Napříkad: Pondělí AQ/Tezza, úterý Core/Baium, středa Orfen/Zaken, čtvrtek: AQ/ každý 1 týden antík/ každý druhý týden Valík. Každý z těch bossu měl fixní spawn udělaný tak, ze druhy epic mel start spawnu minimalne s hodinovým rezestupem od nejpozdějšího spawnu toho předchozího ( doufám ze je to srozumitelne :D ) tzn. že byl čás jit obveselit manželku, nakrmit deti nebo sebe dojit si na hajzl a podobne. Zamezilo se tomu aby tech epic sperku bylo na serveru velke mnozstvi. Patek/sobota/nedele povetsinou lidi u PC nesedi a minimalne sobota/nedele jsou CSka/TWcka, takže zabava by byla i v techto dnech. Nevim jaky nazor na to bude mit zbytek.

12-08-2020, 11:54
Chapu tu snahu posunuti AQ k fixnimu spawnu. Minuly rocnik se asi 3 mesice drzela v dopolednich a popolednich hodinach a PvPckovalo o ni dohromady asi 10-15 lidi, na dualboxech (jediny rozdil byl vikend). Kdyz se spawn posunul na vecer a v te doba spawnila i tezza + se ocekavalo otevreni SoDu, bylo to trosku zajimavejsi na kooperaci a necemu se muselo dat prednost.
Sanci si neco sjet by dostalo vic klanu nebo paret, ktere zatim nemohou konkurovat kvalitou nebo poctem vetsim klanum.
Omezit WB jak pises by asi spis zvedlo hodnotu SA crystalu (hlavne diky omezeni spawnu Tezzy) protoze co se tyce sperku, tak ty bude mit 80% lidi z oly Q.