View Full Version : Denied Baium pvp zone and sharing damage pool with last instance

18-11-2019, 10:18
1. Currently you can be logged out in pvp zone at toi 13/14 and it won't you port out. Due to limited time to enter and how easy is to check him, I would suggest to setup pvp zone with same rules as on AQ.

2. Baium is sharing damage pool with last instance. When someone failed to kill baium, but did damage with high chars for more than 100% HP due to regen, they are also lowering chance for next instances. (when he goes sleep and waking up again)

18-11-2019, 12:21
1. Currently you can be logged out in pvp zone at toi 13/14 and it won't you port out. Due to limited time to enter and how easy is to check him, I would suggest to setup pvp zone with same rules as on AQ.
What greedy you are ... You already farm everything on the server, without opposition, stand afk on every resp. the first time we managed to beat you and you immediately ran to the forum to complain and change the server for yourself.
You are funny.

18-11-2019, 12:42
What greedy you are ... You already farm everything on the server, without opposition, stand afk on every resp. the first time we managed to beat you and you immediately ran to the forum to complain and change the server for yourself.
You are funny.


18-11-2019, 13:12
What greedy you are ... You already farm everything on the server, without opposition, stand afk on every resp. the first time we managed to beat you and you immediately ran to the forum to complain and change the server for yourself.
You are funny.

Logged out next to vortex and then failed baium, I wouldn't call it that you beat us.
We are going to do same on next baium and lets see, how stupid it is.

For same reason AQ was modified, so you cannot have relogged destros on spawn. :bye:

18-11-2019, 13:16
Your clan owe us ring for your inability to kill something properly. First time I saw baium healing himself 3 times because he was desperate and bored.

18-11-2019, 13:52
What greedy you are ... You already farm everything on the server, without opposition, stand afk on every resp. the first time we managed to beat you and you immediately ran to the forum to complain and change the server for yourself.
You are funny.


18-11-2019, 15:38
Nesouhlasím s navrhnovanou custom úpravou.

18-11-2019, 16:39
Nebudu teď mluvit o relogu u vortexu - to je řekněme retail.
Ohledně bodu 2 - to je jednoznačně bug (a ano i když je to velmi pravděpodobně retail bug, stejně jako jiné bugy co na offiku byly (song dance, 1hp ress, ...)) tak je to stále bug a ne featura. Dost pravděpodobně to takhle funguje i u jiných epiců co po čase "usnou" viz. Antharas, Valakas...

19-11-2019, 11:27
Nechci tento custom.

19-11-2019, 11:35
Ne pro změny pvp zóny.

S tím dmg by to mohli fixnout, to není ani tak fix pro nás (my si ho můžeme v pohodě healnout staffkou a "zabít" několikrát), ale spíš pro ostatní, viz kdyby šli po ddos k tomu baiumovi třeba OW.

19-11-2019, 12:06
1. -
2. +

Logged out next to vortex and then failed baium, I wouldn't call it that you beat us.

For same reason AQ was modified, so you cannot have relogged destros on spawn.

I would suggest to setup pvp zone with same rules as on AQ.

I would call it lazy defense. Maybe don't guard it with AcrticFox and rest of clan at olympiad next time. AQ and rest of bosses are different principle. U can log and immediately slay AQ, u can't with tezza/baium/anthy/valakas. AQ wasn't modified for some reason, it was modified (QQed out) because your clan members inability to slay it on past servers (yep U can't hide the fact uniquit pack is your part).

What greedy you are ... You already farm everything on the server, without opposition, stand afk on every resp. the first time we managed to beat you and you immediately ran to the forum to complain and change the server for yourself.
You are funny.

Welcome to CZ/ČBL community, they usually try to change everything whatever don't suits them at the time.

19-11-2019, 13:34
Ať je to natavené jako všude , odlog na delší dobu v PVP zone by mělo vyportit , stejně jako u Aq , tezza apod.. co se týče Baiuma a hp pod půl a pak usne a je furt stejný jako by to dál high char tak to mi přejde trošku ujeté

19-11-2019, 15:52
1. -
2. +

I would call it lazy defense. Maybe don't guard it with AcrticFox and rest of clan at olympiad next time. AQ and rest of bosses are different principle. U can log and immediately slay AQ, u can't with tezza/baium/anthy/valakas. AQ wasn't modified for some reason, it was modified (QQed out) because your clan members inability to slay it on past servers (yep U can't hide the fact uniquit pack is your part).

Welcome to CZ/ČBL community, they usually try to change everything whatever don't suits them at the time.

Vsak tu nehrajes ne?

19-11-2019, 16:48
Pvp zóna kterou si vyplakali poke by teď podle poke měla dávat při relogu port do města... Jak moc do ty hry chcete ještě zasahovat...?

19-11-2019, 17:00
Pvp zóna kterou si vyplakali poke by teď podle poke měla dávat při relogu port do města... Jak moc do ty hry chcete ještě zasahovat...?

PvP zona je tu z vasho IL servera. ;)

21-11-2019, 20:02
Regarding no-restart zone at Baium:
Currently there is no-restart zone only at AQ and Valakas. At AQ it is due to the fact that it was possible to relog buffed characters right where she spawns allowing the first clan which logs characters to kill her in seconds from time of spawn - this is not the case at other WBs.
At Valakas the no restart zone is (near heart) by default - here we only added a PvP zone..
There is no no-restart zone in front of the entrance to Tezza/Antharas & Baium and this can be a tactical factor as it was shown during the last Baium.

Regarding damage “sharing”
From our perspective this is not a bug. Maximum it is a poorly designed game mechanic, but you could say this about other mechanics in L2 as well. With world bosses that are not instanced you cannot speak about NPC instances, because even though the WB goes “to sleep”, it is still the same NPC. Every NPC remembers the damage it took until you kill it or server restarts. Drop is determined by levels of characters that did majority damage and this is not capped by max HP of the NPC. This is one of very basic game mechanics. Making changes here could influence the entire drop system - not only world bosses, which is too risky to change on a running server without extensive testing and could cause more harm than good

23-11-2019, 11:46
Neviem ako na starších chronicloch, ale od GoD+ ak si bol odlognuty alebo stal za riekou ku AQ tak si dostal auto port daleko od AQ ( zhruba niekde pred most +-) a po uspati Baiuma mu síce HP ostali, ale looting rights nie. A tam to fungovalo tak, že na drop rate sa počítal damage len od party/cc ktorá má looting rights. A keďže po uspani baiuma automaticky padnú, a ty ich po prebudení získaš, išlo o tvoj damage.

Možno sa robili úpravy na GoD alebo HF, ale GMka oficiálne declarovali len zmeny dragonov, ale ninja neoznamene zmeny sú od kórejcov na officialnych serveroch bežné...