View Full Version : Approved Porter SoD / SoI

21-10-2019, 19:35
prosím o portera do sod / soi, nebo jiné řešení těch crit erroru:/.

Je opravdu nepříjemné jezdit lodí a pokaždé řešit, ze několik charů spadne na lodi.

21-10-2019, 19:38

21-10-2019, 19:39
+1 neřeší se crity, tak aspoň tohle tomu pomůže.

21-10-2019, 19:41
Porter do SoI proč ne, ale do SoDka to není vhodné řešení.

21-10-2019, 20:15
Souhlasím, ale nenapadá mě lepší. Portění by se například mohlo vypnout, když je otevřené sod... každopádně plz řešte to.

21-10-2019, 20:39

21-10-2019, 23:28
Alespon udelat port do gracie, at se skipne ta prvni lod...

21-10-2019, 23:40
Alespon udelat port do gracie, at se skipne ta prvni lod...

Nebo udělat zónu na summon. Tohle jsem už navrhoval, ale prý to chtějí retail...

22-10-2019, 08:28
created a topic with OBT, the admin was ready to do, it was necessary that everyone agreed. But I'm sorry, Czech friends started to cry ... good luck criticizing on the ship!

- To je stejné jak na IL port na PI. Psalo se o to ať se to přidá a nepřidalo. :)
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22-10-2019, 09:33
created a topic with OBT, the admin was ready to do, it was necessary that everyone agreed. But I'm sorry, Czech friends started to cry ... good luck criticizing on the ship!

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I didn't know the server would be broken.

22-10-2019, 15:08
created a topic with OBT, the admin was ready to do, it was necessary that everyone agreed. But I'm sorry, Czech friends started to cry ... good luck criticizing on the ship!

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Now it's totally different case with critical errors on ship...

23-10-2019, 05:33
On OBT there were the same critics, what other case?

23-10-2019, 20:33
Due to problems with crashes we decided to make modifications in 2 phases:

1. Teleporter NPC will added to central square on Gracia (near Lekon). You will be able to teleport through this NPC to SoI (anytime) and to SoD (only when in stage 1 - tiat farm).
This change will be introduced during tomorrow's restart.

2. Teleporting to SoI and SoD will be possible at any time. A PvP zone will be added into the entire SoD and will be activated when SoD will NOT be in stage 1. (Will be introduced after restart on 4th of November).


Vzhledem k problémům s crashováním klienta jsme se rozhodli provést modifikace ve dvou fázích:

1. Na centrálním náměstí na Gracii (blízko Lekon) naleznete nové teleportační NPC. Pomocí NPC se můžete teleportovat do SoI (kdykoliv) a do SoD (pouze když je ve stage 1 - fáze farmení Tiata).
Tato změna bude nasazena při zítřejším mimořádném restartu.

2. Teleport do SoI a SoD bude dostupné kdykoliv. Do celé oblasti SoD bude přidána PvP zona, která se aktivuje pokud SoD NENÍ ve stage 1. (Bude nasazeno po pravidelném restartu 4.11.2019).


Из-за проблем с критами, мы решили внести изменения в 2 этапа:

1. NPC-телепорт будет добавлен на центральную площадь в Грации (около Лекона). Через этого NPC вы сможете телепортироваться в SoI(в любое время) и в SoD(только на этапе фарма Тиат).
Это изменение будет введено во время завтрашнего рестарта.

2. Телепортация на SoI и SoD будет возможна в любое время. PvP-зона будет добавлена во весь SoD и будет активирована, когда в SoD НЕ будет этап фарма Тиат. (Будет введен после рестарта 4 ноября).

24-10-2019, 18:07
Díky moc!

03-11-2019, 14:50
Kezde to vyzera, ze novy system pomohol crashom, faza 2 je zatial pozdrzana na neurcito a pvp zona sa zavadzat zatial nebude.
Sice it seems that the new system helped the crashes. Phase 2 is postponed indefinitely - pcp zone will not be created for now.

11-12-2019, 17:21
I suggest adding a teleport to the rune or giran to the porter
characters without a clan hall or castle find it difficult to get out of Grace.
This does not significantly affect the game, but it will be much more convenient for the players. I think many will agree with me.

11-12-2019, 23:23
I suggest adding a teleport to the rune or giran to the porter
characters without a clan hall or castle find it difficult to get out of Grace.
This does not significantly affect the game, but it will be much more convenient for the players. I think many will agree with me.
I agree, from Gracia to Rune would be good, opposite we can buy SoE for 10 EC :S

23-12-2019, 08:13
https://i.ibb.co/vsqQt1d/Shot00035.jpg (https://ibb.co/k3B9dKD)
good job, admin
tp rune its wonderful