View Full Version : Denied Teleport to Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity [EN]
Let's add a teleport from Grace to the Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity, as is done on later chronicles.
This will help make regroups faster.
I think the community will support me, since we all want to play, fight, and not do regroups in 1 hour.
You can do it, just like Scroll of Escape for Donat, as well as teleport to grace. You can put a teleport on Grace NPC. It will be easier for admins.
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Давайте добавим телепорт из Грации на Seed of Destruction и Seed of Infinity, как это сделано на более поздних хрониках.
Это поможет быстрее делать регрупы.
Я думаю сообщество поддержит меня, так как все мы хотим играть, воевать, а не делать регрупы за 1 час.
Можно сделать, так же как и Scroll of Escape за донат, как и телепорт на грацию. Можно поставить на Грацию НПЦ телепорт. Как будет легче админам.
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24-08-2019, 11:49
When SoD will be opened, this teleport will bring lot of issues.
One solution could be to make it a pvp zone. :)
When SoD will be opened, this teleport will bring lot of issues.
One solution could be to make it a pvp zone. :)
The idea with the pvp zone is great, our community is for fair play, without antags.
Идея с пвп зоной - отличная, наше сообщество за честную игру, без антагов.
24-08-2019, 12:25
We need teleport!!!
When SoD will be opened, this teleport will bring lot of issues.
One solution could be to make it a pvp zone. :)
Vy to quitnete, nebo vas vybanuji drive nez se otevre SoD. Doufam, ze zase si budes honit cuuraka u ponizovani typku, co videli maximalne interlude.
Nikdo dalsi nebude celou noc sedet u 10 let hry skrz 2-3 krystaly, ktere tem randomum stejne nepomuzou.
Jesli resit krystaly, tak tu snad na te predchozi gracii, kde ste hrali snad jen vy, byla moznost vymenit 5 stonu za krystal, nepletu se? To by z toho gridu udelalo mensi zlo.
Let's add a teleport from Grace to the Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity, as is done on later chronicles.
This will help make regroups faster.
I think the community will support me, since we all want to play, fight, and not do regroups in 1 hour.
You can do it, just like Scroll of Escape for Donat, as well as teleport to grace. You can put a teleport on Grace NPC. It will be easier for admins.
Who agrees, Write + Who is against -
Давайте добавим телепорт из Грации на Seed of Destruction и Seed of Infinity, как это сделано на более поздних хрониках.
Это поможет быстрее делать регрупы.
Я думаю сообщество поддержит меня, так как все мы хотим играть, воевать, а не делать регрупы за 1 час.
Можно сделать, так же как и Scroll of Escape за донат, как и телепорт на грацию. Можно поставить на Грацию НПЦ телепорт. Как будет легче админам.
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25-08-2019, 12:54
25-08-2019, 18:05
- To je stejné jak na IL port na PI. Psalo se o to ať se to přidá a nepřidalo. :)
Lets be honest, 150+ crystals fail servers. Only 1 mage const with 300 guns will obliterate any other party, or 2, or wins siege/TW. Its just "no fun allowed" trigger.
Without easy access to SoD it will take ~30 minutes only for regroup at the entrance, where u are totally vulnerable. Just get off ur ship and step into those juicy enlighted fusions.
So, side which wins first SoD shall farm the second one, 100% getting even more advantage.
I vote + 4 teleports to the Seed of Destruction and Seed of Infinity.
SoI, because its too long and stupid to get there for 15 minute farm of twins.
only lazy russians need tp to SoD and SoI, so no.... and btw one hour regroups are funny af
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